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I’m So Excited You’ve Opted In For This Free Training!
As I’m sure you understand, helping you and your team become more aware of today’s nefarious tactics that Cyber-Criminals use has never been more important and will prove to be extremely beneficial (for all involved).
We Want To Help Your Team Become
The First Line Of Defense Against Cyber-Attacks!
It is my honor to be able to provide this CyberSecurity Training Program to you (and your Entire Team!) for Free. As you may, or may not, already know, I’ve spent the last four years building out The Most Cost-Effective Small Business CyberSecurity Platform Available Today:

The Core6+ Platform is Systemized, Real-Time Business CyberSecurity Designed Specifically For Small Businesses and Nonprofits; Providing Multi-Layered, Comprehensive Protection For Your Network’s Core Components!