I’ve made it my mission to help EVERY
Small Business and Nonprofit get the
Absolute Best CyberSecurity Available…
And Deliver It At A Rate
They Can Actually Afford!
The Story Behind The Mission
There’s Actually A Very Simple Philosophy Behind The Core6+ Mission:
I Truly Believe The Traditional Managed Services Business Model – Or More Specifically, Their Revenue Model – Is *NOT* Designed For Most Small Businesses And Nonprofit Organizations.

First, I want to say that I certainly understand the Business Model. And, I have no problem with a company making as much money as they can, as long as it doesn’t take advantage of the customers…
Which is what really happens to Small Businesses and Nonprofits.
I’ve never been a fan of the Managed Services Revenue Model. It has always seemed to be more about “Mailbox Money” than actual payment for the services rendered.
I never liked the idea, that customers were paying (in advance) for services they weren’t actually getting… or maybe, more specifically, weren’t actually taking advantage of.
To me, the most upsetting thing about all of this, is that there are literally dozens of questionable revenue-increasing strategies in the Managed Services “Playbook.”
From things as simple as “Just Raise Your Rates,” to as unsettling as “Make Sure You Require A Two-Hour Onsite Minimum,” to as unethical as “Make Sure You’re Creating Overage Opportunities.”
Traditional Managed Services Revenue Model just doesn’t align with the way I want to do business… Nor does it seem to be a good match for most small businesses and nonprofits.
The way I think about Traditional Managed Service Providers (MSPs), their offers and service plans, reminds me a lot about how I think about Vegas:
Regardless of how good you think you’ve got it…
Somehow, The House Always Wins.
It Is My Position That Small Businesses and Nonprofit Organizations Have Been Historically Under-Served, Over-Charged, Or Both…

So… I had this crazy idea:
Why Not Create A New Managed Services Offering Specifically For Today’s Small Businesses and Nonprofit Organizations Without All Of The Hidden Fees And Over-Charging… WHERE THEY ONLY PAY FOR THE SERVICES THEY ACTUALLY GET!
I know… it seems crazy, right?
Only Pay For The Services You Actually Get?
So, back in 2017, I made it my mission to create the absolute most cost-effective, hybrid Managed Services platform, I could make.
It not only had to protect users from today’s most-pressing cyber-threats, but it also had to be EASILY AFFORDABLE!
Now, here we are today, just a few short years later… My vision is a reality, and Small Businesses and Nonprofits of (seemingly) every size and shape, can take advantage of the Absolute Most Cost-Effective CyberSecurity And Managed Services Platform Available.
And, in a further effort to help small businesses and nonprofits control their costs, we provide three different levels of hands-on service and support:

We take care of everything. It really is that simple. If you have any CyberSecurity-related issues that need attention, we will quickly respond and make sure your organization stays safe.

We work with you and your team to help keep your business safe and secure. Your team always has first-right-of-refusal to take care of any issues. If they don’t want it, we’ll take care of it.

You use our advanced tools, we send you the alerts and notifications, and you take care of the issues that you want to work on. Then, as requested, we’ll handle the issues you want help with.
We Help With All Things Wired and Wireless Networking Related, It’s Not Just CyberSecurity!
Whether you have 2 computers or 200, we can help. We specialize in the overall Network Performance and Security, but if you have any computer or networking issues, we have the expertise to help, and We Always Provide The Most Cost-Effective Service And Solutions.