If you’ve found this page, then hopefully you have a copy of (and read) my book:
CyberSecurity: Why Do So Many Small Businesses Get This Wrong?
If you have not read that book, then you can download it by following the link above…
For those who would rather listen (and watch) instead of actually read, then you’re in luck. On that page, I have posted a video of me reading the booklet for you. You can watch it whenever you want. You can also play it and just listen to the audio…

The goal of me making sure you have these books is two-fold:
- (1) I want to help you become more informed about how seriously bad cyber-crime has really become, and…
- (2) I want to help you move from zero and/or minimal protection to adequate and/or hopefully better than just “good enough” protection.
I’m certainly here to help when you need it, but if you still aren’t ready to speak with me directly, you can learn more about how we help your organization specifically by downloading:
The Network Security EVERY Small Business Needs!
This second book in the series is packed full of all the information you should need.
Learn how we help your organization stay safe with our Cyber-Security System that Minimizes Risk, Maximizes Protection, Includes Powerful and Robust Detection, as well as Real-Time Response.