Just for you… a FREE! eBook:
The Six Core Components of
CyberSecurity Protection
In less than 30-Minutes You’ll Easily Understand Everything You Need To Know To Keep Your Business Safe against all types of CyberAttacks, Malware and other Threat Vectors… Plus, you’ll learn how easy it is to Get Your Employees Trained for FREE!.
Below Is An Additional
Special Gift Just For You!
I Want To Give You And Your Employees
FREE! CyberSecurity Awareness Training
For All Small Businesses and Nonprofits
Just use the form below to access a simple questionnaire, and you and your
team can get started on CyberSecurity Awareness Training as soon as today!
This Comprehensive CyberSecurity Awareness Training is an Annual, Self-Paced
and Web-based Training Program. Consisting of eight (8) short videos with a
(3-5 question) “Review Quiz” at the end of each segment. There is a
Final Test and a Certificate of (Passing) Completion at the end.
After your team completes the training, we will also send them weekly emails
regarding Awareness. The goal is to help them remain aware, vigilant,
and to keep protecting themselves and their business top-of-mind.
There is also a FREE! Phishing Awareness Training (one video and quiz).